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WIN-130-8 - Earraghail Windfarm - Aviation Safety Inquiry

Wednesday, 31st July 2024 at 10:00am
Aviation Safety Inquiry for A Proposed Renewable Energy Development, Comprising 13 Onshore Wind Turbines With A Generating Capacity Of Around 78Mw, Solar Photovoltaic Array Around 5Mw And Battery Storage Technologies Around 25Mw.

WIN-130-8 - Earraghail Windfarm- Aviation Safety Inquiry

Thursday, 1st August 2024 at 10:00am
Aviation Inquiry for A Proposed Renewable Energy Development, Comprising 13 Onshore Wind Turbines With A Generating Capacity Of Around 78Mw, Solar Photovoltaic Array Around 5Mw And Battery Storage Technologies Around 25Mw.

WIN-270-21 - Kirkton Energy Park - Pre- Examination Meeting

Friday, 2nd August 2024 at 10:00am
Pre Examination Meeting for an Application For Consent Under S36 Of The Electricity Act 1989 And Deemed Planning Permission Under S57(2) Of The Town And Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 For Wind Powered Electricity Generating Station Called Kirkton Energy Park, 2.1Km South Of Melvich, Sutherland, In The Highland Council Planning Authority Area

Recent Webcasts

AAC-130-1 & 3 - Land South Of Snipefield Industrial Estate - Hearing

Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 11:00am
Hearing for the Application For Certificate Of Appropriate Alternative Development - Request For A View On The Suitability Of The Site For Affordable Housing Development.
Archiving - Available soon


Welcome to the Scottish Government Planning and Environmental Appeals Division's (DPEA) Webcasting Site.

On this site you can view live and archived webcasts of hearings and inquires relating to planning cases dealt with by DPEA. All documents discussed in the webcasts can be found on our publication website up to 7 years after the decision has been issued.

The introduction of webcasting is part of a strategy to enhance public access to open and transparent discussions on planning issues.

Those who are not able to attend inquires or hearings in person will be able to watch sessions on a live or on-demand (archive) basis and remain connected to the planning process without being there.

DPEA will where technically possible stream live footage of inquiries and hearings. Where it is not technically possible for live streaming we will aim to publish the footage as quickly as possible.

If you take part in the appeals process, use DPEA websites, contact the division or attend a webcast, the DPEA may collect certain information about you. To find out more about what information is collected, how the information is used and managed please read the DPEA's privacy notice.

We are also on Twitter and will provide updates & alerts on upcoming & live webcasts on our feed, @DPEAScotland.

We welcome your feedback about our site or if you wish to contact us please email us at dpea@gov.scot or phone 0300 244 6668.


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