CPO-230-1, ROD-230-5 and ROD-230-6 - The A720 Sheriffhall Roundabout - Pre-Examination Meeting - Tuesday 4 October 2022, 7:00pm - DPEA Webcasts
CPO-230-1, ROD-230-5 and ROD-230-6 - The A720 Sheriffhall Roundabout - Pre-Examination Meeting
Tuesday, 4th October 2022 at 7:00pm
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Welcome and introduction by the reporter
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Agenda item :
2. Introduction of those participating in the meeting
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Agenda item :
3. Purpose of the pre-inquiry meeting and scope of the inquiry
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Agenda item :
4. The Compulsory Purchase by Public Authorities (Inquiry Procedure)(Scotland) Rules 1998 and Circular 17/1998
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Agenda item :
5. Any update on the status of negotiations with objectors
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Agenda item :
6. Status of objections from CALA Management Ltd and Shawfair LLP
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Agenda item :
7. Alternatives to the proposed scheme
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Agenda item :
8. Reporter’s provisional assessment of the main issues to be addressed
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Agenda item :
9. Additional environmental information
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Agenda item :
10. Participation in the inquiry
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Agenda item :
11. Date, venue and likely duration of inquiry
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Agenda item :
12. Prior disclosure of cases
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Agenda item :
13. Other submissions
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Agenda item :
14. Site inspection
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Agenda item :
15. Miscellaneous
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Agenda item :
16. Any other relevant matters
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Webcast Finished