CAT-270-1 - Land At Smiddy Field, Knocknagael Bull Stud Farm, Essich Road, Inverness - Hearing Session - Tuesday 14 March 2023, 10:00am - DPEA Webcasts
CAT-270-1 - Land At Smiddy Field, Knocknagael Bull Stud Farm, Essich Road, Inverness - Hearing Session
Tuesday, 14th March 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
Introduction by Panel
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Agenda item :
1. Representations on the community benefit of the proposal (including evidence on what other sites has the community group looked at and on other ways of delivering the same or analogous benefits)
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Agenda item :
2. Funding proposals in respect of (a) the purchase price (b) the proposed improvements at phase 1 and (c) ongoing viability including the ongoing volunteer commitment to manage the project over the next 5 years (outlays set against grant, rental and other income)
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Agenda item :
2. Funding proposals in respect of (a) the purchase price (b) the proposed improvements at phase 1 and (c) ongoing viability including the ongoing volunteer commitment to manage the project over the next 5 years (outlays set against grant, rental and other income)
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Agenda item :
2. Funding proposals in respect of (a) the purchase price (b) the proposed improvements at phase 1 and (c) ongoing viability including the ongoing volunteer commitment to manage the project over the next 5 years (outlays set against grant, rental and other income)
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Agenda item :
Closing Remarks
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Webcast Finished