TRL-130-1 - Overhead Line From Dalmally To Inverarnan, Near Glen Lochy, Argyll & Bute - Hearing Session - Policy - Tuesday 20 June 2023, 10:00am - DPEA Webcasts
TRL-130-1 - Overhead Line From Dalmally To Inverarnan, Near Glen Lochy, Argyll & Bute - Hearing Session - Policy
Tuesday, 20th June 2023 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1. Introduction by the reporter
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Agenda item :
2. Reporter’s brief summary of the parties’ cases
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Agenda item :
3. Topics for discussion
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Agenda item :
a) UK-wide documents
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Agenda item :
a) UK-wide documents
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Agenda item :
a) UK-wide documents
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Agenda item :
b) Onshore Wind Policy Statement
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Agenda item :
c) Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transmission Plan
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Agenda item :
d) National Planning Framework (NPF) 4
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Agenda item :
e) Argyll and Bute Local Development Plan 2015
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Agenda item :
f) Argyll & Bute Renewable Energy Action Plan
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Agenda item :
4. Any other relevant matters
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Webcast Finished